The following links are provided as clinical resources only. PNS does not assume responsibility for the content of these resources.
CPT Coding Webinar presented by Dr. Tony
DATE: July 9 (wednesday)- Coding, billing and documenting for testing services TIME: 7:00-9:00 pm eastern time FORMAT: Webinar (1.5 hours followed by Q & A) CE: No formal CE provided but electronic certificates will be available PRESENTER: Antonio E. Puente, Ph.D. ( FURTHER INFORMATION: COST: Free
GOAL: To increase the understanding of how professional psychological services are to be provided using the most widely accepted system of codifying and documenting as well as billing for these services. Additional information regarding auditing will be provided. Comments regarding how the ACA will be affecting the future of professional psychology will also be addressed. (background information may be found at
DATE: July 9 (wednesday)- Coding, billing and documenting for testing services TIME: 7:00-9:00 pm eastern time FORMAT: Webinar (1.5 hours followed by Q & A) CE: No formal CE provided but electronic certificates will be available PRESENTER: Antonio E. Puente, Ph.D. ( FURTHER INFORMATION: COST: Free
GOAL: To increase the understanding of how professional psychological services are to be provided using the most widely accepted system of codifying and documenting as well as billing for these services. Additional information regarding auditing will be provided. Comments regarding how the ACA will be affecting the future of professional psychology will also be addressed. (background information may be found at
CPT Coding
Presentation by Antonio E. Puente, Ph.D. at PNS Spring Symposium on Coding, Billing and Documenting Professional Psychological Services
Click here to view Dr. Puente's PNS presentation
Message from the Inter Organizational Practice Committee (IOPC)
Dear Colleagues,
The InterOrganizational Practice Committee is delighted to announce the launch of the Neuropsychology and Healthcare Reform Web
The above website is the result of IOPC member organizations, the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, the National Academy of Neuropsychology, Division 40 of the American Psychological Association, and the American Board of Professional Neuropsychology's commitment to act proactively, and in unison, on an issue that will dramatically affect the practice of neuropsychology in the years to come: healthcare reform.
As healthcare reform rolls out through regions of the country, this website will be a central place for members of our profession to learn about basic concepts, share innovative practice models, and begin to answer the fundamental question: how do we emerge as successful players in this iteration of healthcare?
The site includes interviews with neuropsychologists who are early and successful adopters with innovative practice models. In our report writing section, Ted Peck, Mark Barisa, Karen Wills and Mark Mahone have shared brief, high impact report templates. We have asked a writing coach from NASA to share brief, effective communication techniques. Our state advocacy section posts websites and activities of state and regional neuropsychology societies and state psychological associations. It also includes advocacy strategies and tips for associations that would like to launch, or strengthen their health care reform advocacy committees.
Many thanks to the members of our content committee, Mary Coakley-Welch, Nancy Hoffman, Mark Barisa, Teresa Deer, Antonio Puente,
Donna Raisin Waters, and Geoffrey Kanter, the IOPC member organizations, and the IOPC member organization delegates: Tim Wynkoop, Tresa Roebuck Spencer, and Beth Caillouet from the National Academy of Neuropsychology, Mike Westerveld from Division 40 of the American Psychological Association, and Randi Most from the American Board of Professional Neuropsychology for their enthusiastic support of this project.
Karen Postal, Ph.D., ABPP-CN
Chair, IOPC Web Toolkit Committee, and delegate to the IOPC from AACN
The Inter Organizational Practice Committee (IOPC) is a committee of the practice chairs of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, the National Academy of Neuropsychology, Division 40 of the American Psychological Association, and the American Board of Professional Neuropsychology, tasked with coordinating advocacy efforts and improving the practice climate for Neuropsychology. Some of the specific advantages of the IOPC include increasing the breadth and reach of grass roots advocacy for issues that have local and national implications. Each organization also has overlapping, but not completely redundant interests and organizational structures that shape their stance on, and approach to, important issues. Thus, the multi-organizational structure also allows for synergy in advocacy efforts on topics of mutual concern, while retaining the individual organizations autonomy in determining the direction of their own organizational priorities. While the IOPC has, and will continue to respond to new issues as they arise through response advocacy, another important role is to help neuropsychologists be more proactive with respect to anticipated changes in legislation and insurance practices that have a direct impact on the profession.
Karen Spangenberg Postal, Ph.D., ABPP (CN)
Board certified neuropsychologist
Instructor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry,
Harvard Medical School
Neuropsychology Consultants
Andover, MA
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